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Looking ahead, it’s clear to just about everyone that the next ten years are going to be marked by rapid technological change. I’ve been around since the early days of the internet, and as you might imagine, I’ve seen my fair share of shifts. But this upcoming wave feels different—deeper, more transformative. The big players like artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and cybersecurity are all coming together in a manner that will shape our lives in ways we can barely now imagine.

But for the purposes of this blog entry, I will try.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is, without a doubt, the star of the show. It’s already infiltrating our lives, from the algorithms that decide what we see online to the virtual assistants that help us manage our day-to-day schedules. But that’s only scratching the surface of how much AI will be integrated into our individual lives and human society on the whole. AI is going to get smarter, faster, and much more involved in everything we do. It’s going to help businesses become more efficient, and it’s going to play major roles in a wide range of industries as disparate as transportation, education, and retail. I think it will also be a large factor in helping to care for our aging population, giving assistance to nurses in hospitals, retirement homes, and hospices.

Back in the mid-’90s, when I first got involved in the digital world, we were just starting to understand the potential of the internet. Now, with AI, we’re at a similar crossroads. Yes, there are risks, but I’ve always believed that the role of an entrepreneur is to look beyond the fears and focus on the opportunities. AI will open doors we didn’t know existed—new industries, new ways of working, and new ways of living.

As for myself, I’m particularly excited about the developments in augmented reality (AR). Imagine being able to overlay the digital world onto the physical one, enhancing what you see, hear, and experience in real-time. Augmented reality is like bringing the internet out of your screen and into your physical life. I remember my early days in Paris, working in media, where the idea of blending reality and technology was pure science fiction. Now, it’s just around the corner.

Cybersecurity, too, is going to be more critical than ever. As we become both more connected and interconnected, the risks to the individual multiply. Protecting our data, our identities, our businesses, and our personal accounts will be an ongoing and hard-fought battle. But wherever there’s a challenge, there’s also an opportunity. I’ve always believed that problems are just opportunities in disguise, and cybersecurity is a perfect example. There will be countless chances for innovation in this space and the software, hardware, and concepts that await us in this realm will be mind-boggling in how it counters malignant online actors.

Looking at all of this from my little corner of the world in Portugal, where I manage my investments and tinker with my old Harley, I can’t help but feel optimistic and excited. The future is bright, full of potential, and for those willing to take the plunge, it’s going to be an incredible ride. Just like maintaining an old motorbike, it’s all about finding that balance between the old and the new, between tradition and innovation. And that’s exactly where the magic happens.

Bring on the future, I say!